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You’ve spent years successfully accumulating your wealth. You’ve likely also spent a great deal donating to charities and foundations that share your values. But have you been doing it effectively? Is your family involved and prepared to continue your legacy? At Pallas Capital Advisors, we understand that philanthropy looks different to different people. We work together to take a thoughtful, creative, and collaborative approach to your philanthropic objectives and planning that will last for generations to come.

What is Philanthropy?

Philanthropy comes in many different forms, but at its core – it is serving others by doing good. For many, that is closely tied to their faith, and for others, it means making a lasting impact on their community – even for generations to come. For those who believe that their legacy cannot be separated from their philanthropic efforts, it is critical for them to engage their next-generation family members now to help them catch the vision that is so important to their legacy.

Why Choose Philanthropy?

Individuals choose to make philanthropy a priority in their lives because it is rewarding and satisfying to see others be helped from their benevolence.  Certainly, there are also tax benefits – income and estate tax – and helping clients take maximum advantage of those benefits is an important part of the work we do at Pallas.

Putting it into Place

For those who seek to make significant, lasting gifts to charity – there are many ways to execute on that vision. Whether during a lifetime, at death, or both – the use of charitable trusts, donor-advised funds, private foundations, or other charitable vehicles should be considered. Another important decision that is often overlooked is whether or not cash is the best asset to gift. Often, there are better choices. At Pallas, we help clients see the big picture, so they can understand and take advantage of all of the options that are in front of them.

What We Do At Pallas

When it comes to philanthropic planning, at Pallas we do three important things.

  1. We help clients to involve their children to understand the importance of charity to them, and to their communities.
  2. We make sure clients understand and know which options are most appropriate to help them attain their charitable objectives, and
  3. We provide financial modeling so clients can see how their decisions regarding charity fit into their overall estate and financial planning goals.