Market Update 7.23.2020

Webinar Recording 7.23.2020

(July 23, 2020) James Landry sits down with Richard Mullen and Mark Bogar, CFA, to reflect on the past two quarters and what the Pallas team is seeing today in the markets.

(0:42) It seems the resurgence in Covid-19 outbreaks is growing – particulary in the South. What is the investment team’s read on this?

(05:59) We’re starting to see the Covid-19 death rate decline, is that fair to say?

(07:19) What is the update on unemployment? 

(09:08) What is the investment team’s read on the broad stock market going forward? 

(13:46) Looking forward, what are some of the bullish and bearish indicators that the team is thinking about?

(18:55) Early on, we speculated that we may be coming into a recession. Two weeks ago, we stated that we are, in fact, in a recession. Are large investment banks planning for a prolonged recession, or perhaps a quicker recovery?

(23:59) What is the Pallas team doing to manage this uncertainty in the markets?

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